About the Club

Rotary bell

Rotary bell

In early October 2022, seasoned Rotarians from the Belgrade Dedinje Rotary Club embarked on launching a new initiative. Their aims mirrored Rotary International’s values: fostering fellowship, serving selflessly (Service Above Self), both locally and globally. The founding group included Igor Mijatovic (12 years in Rotary), Nadica Mardjonovic (6 years), Nikola Krstic (5 years), Dragoslav Andric (25 years), Nikola Stojanović (8 years), Nikola Stojadinovic (13 years), and Iva Bosnjakovic (3 years). They notified District Governor Nikola Bozic, who endorsed their goal of attaining 25 members for the new Club.

The primary challenge was finding dedicated individuals willing to embrace Rotary’s ethos before securing the Charter. The process of naming the Club involved careful deliberation, aiming to find a title that envisioned the Club’s future while also connecting it to Belgrade. The consensus settled on “Rotary Club Belgrade Terazije.”

Rotary badge

Rotary badge

On October 12, 2022, at 8 p.m., the Founding Assembly convened at Hotel Amsterdam in Belgrade.

The members unanimously decided on the Club’s name, Statute, Rules of Operation, and emblem. A distinguished group of individuals assumed key roles within the Club’s leadership structure. Igor Mijatovic was entrusted with the responsibility of Charter President, while Dragoslav Andric was appointed as honorary president, recognizing his significant contributions. Nikola Stojadinovic assumed the vital role of vice president, supporting the President in leading the Club’s activities. Nikola Stojanovic took on the role of secretary, overseeing administrative tasks and ensuring effective communication within the Club. Nadica Mardjonovic assumed the crucial position of treasurer, managing the Club’s financial affairs with diligence and transparency. Additionally, Nikola Krstic was appointed as the membership chair, tasked with overseeing the recruitment and engagement of new members, ensuring the Club’s continued growth and vitality.

Presidential ribbon

Presidential ribbon

Weekly meetings commenced, often featuring Srdjan Barac, the district representative for new Club establishments. Emphasis was placed on educating members about Rotary’s principles. Humanitarian endeavors, gatherings, and lectures became regular features. On April 7, 2023, marking a significant milestone in our journey, the Club, comprising 25 Charter members, diligently completed the submission of registration documentation. This pivotal step was accompanied by the fulfillment of the necessary fee payment to Rotary International, signifying the conclusion of the registration process.

Procurement of essential Club paraphernalia, alongside the launch of the Club’s online presence, followed. Plans for humanitarian ventures and a Charter celebration underscored the Club’s commitment to community service and ethical conduct.

After submitting the documentation, we started the process of procuring the Rotary bell, presidential ribbon, flags and all other regalia that a Club should have. The Club has launched its website, Instagram, and Facebook profile. We are actively planning humanitarian actions and simultaneously preparing for a Charter celebration.During this event, we will have the honor of hosting esteemed Rotarians from across the entire district. This gathering will serve as a testament to our unwavering dedication to serving the community while adhering to Rotary’s highest ethical standards. The avenue of service in Rotary serves as a clear guide for our club. We remain open to welcoming new members and are confident that we will continue to grow and evolve over time. Our aspiration is to become an exemplary and respected member of our district, embodying the core values of Rotary in all our endeavors.



On April 17, 2023, Easter Sunday, the Club received its Charter, marking its official establishment. This date was designated as the Club’s founding anniversary, to be commemorated annually. Gratitude was extended to District Governor Nikola Bozic and district representative Srdjan Barac for their invaluable guidance and support.

Club members actively contributed to organizing over 100 actions, demonstrating their dedication to Rotary’s principles.

For further details, explore our story on the following pages…

Rotary Club Belgrade Terazije

Rotary Club Belgrade Terazije