Belgrade below Belgrade with Zoran Nikolic

Belgrade below Belgrade with Zoran Nikolic - 2017.

Belgrade below Belgrade with Zoran Nikolic – 2017.

On Saturday, May 19th 2017, we organized the tour “Belgrade below Belgrade” accompanied by guide Zoran Nikolić. Zoran is a co-author of the book of the same name, and also he wrote many other books dealing with similar topics. It is little to say that Zoran is a “live encyclopedia” of Belgrade’s life. We visited a Roman well, an artillery bunker, a barutana (weapons warehouse), and we were hanging out with wine in one of the old warehouses that served as modern refrigerators, more commonly known as glaciers. The action was organized in cooperation with our Rotaract Club. On this occasion we would like to thank the Rotary Club of Belgrade Avala, who came in large number to support our action.


Text compiled by: Igor Mijatović
Taken from the website of Rotary Club Belgrade Dedinje
Club members who participated in the activity: Igor Mijatović