Category: Club member activities 1995-2023

Specijalne bolnice za psihijatrijske bolesti u Vršcu

Donation of mattresses – Vršac

Rotary Club Belgrade Dedidnje donated hospital mattresses three times for the needs of the Special Hospital for Psychiatric Diseases “Dr....

"Математичару" на Крфу

Support for the best students

Education of young mathematicians, Corfu Rotary Club Belgrade Dedinje decided to send 3 students of the Mathematical High School to...

Šahovski turniri 2010-2019

Chess tournaments 2010-2019

Rotaract Club Belgrade Dedinje organized the first chess tournament in November 2010. The organizer of the tournament was Alexey Kostyukov....

Donacija bolničkih kreveta 2018.

Donation of hospital beds

Valjevo As part of the annual action of donating beds for hospitals in Serbia, the Belgrade Dedinje Rotary Club in...

Dan za decu, Nikola Stojadinovic, Nikola Stojanovic, Katarina Kohen - 2012

The fight against polio

In honor of World Polio Day, Rotaract Club Belgrade Dedinje helped the “Polio” center in Belgrade through the “Children’s Day”...