Category: News


Join the action – Maglic 2024

The Rotary Club of Belgrade Terazije in cooperation with TO Kraljevo, the city of Kraljevo and other organizations organizes a...

rotary pets 2024

PETS/SETS seminar

During the weekend, 2-3 March, a PETS/SETS seminar was held for incoming presidents and secretaries of Rotary clubs in 2024/2025....

Naši članovi sa Predsednikom RI Gordonom Meklanliem

119th year of Rotary

Members of our Club attended the commemoration of the 119th anniversary of the foundation of Rotary International. The ceremony was...

Poseta Guvernara našem Klubu

Governor’s visit to our Club

A regular meeting of our Club was held on Tuesday, January 23, 2024. The meeting was attended by DG Aleksandar...

Novogodišnja čestitka

Happy New Year!

The Rotary Club of Belgrade Terazije wishes you a happy New Year and Christmas holidays!