Rotary District 2483

Rotari Distrikt 2483Rotary District 2483 consists of over 70 clubs, and among them is the Rotary Club of Belgrade Terazije. Rotary structures its service programs by organizing at the club, district, and international levels. Administrators group the more than 46,000 clubs worldwide into 529 districts, and these districts into 34 zones for administrative purposes.

Rotary Clubs organize themselves not by country, but by district. Districts commonly incorporate the names of the countries or regions they serve along with their identification numbers, providing a geographical context. On average, each district encompasses approximately 50 clubs within its territory. For instance, District 1910 covers the areas of eastern Austria and Bosnia and Herzegovina. In contrast, District 2041 encompasses the northern Italy region surrounding Milan. Moreover, District 7010 brings together clubs from central and northeastern Ontario as well as northwestern Quebec.

Rotary Club Belgrade Terazije belongs to district 2483, zone 21. Our district includes the territory of the Republic of Montenegro, northern Serbia (Autonomous Province of Vojvodina), central, eastern, western, southeastern and southwestern Serbia. District 2483 does not own the autonomous province of Kosovo and Metohija. It is affiliated with District 2485, which encompasses the Republic of Albania as well.

Rotary International has its headquarters in the General Assembly of the United Nations, and as such has the obligation to respect the decisions and resolutions passed by the UN bodies. Thus, Rotary International respects resolution 1244 on the territorial integrity of the Republic of Serbia.

Rotari Internacional - Ujedinjene Nacije

Rotari Internacional – Ujedinjene Nacije