Rotary Club Beograd Terazije – homepage

We Rotarians are people of action who set small and achievable goals, and the noblest goal is to make someone happy and help them achieve their goals. It is not the one who has to give, but the one who wants to give. The members of Terazije gathered together in good will and with good ideas, to try to help and to make the world a better place. 

Igor Mijatović, Charter President
April 2023

About the club

Rotary Club Belgrade Terazije
was founded in 2023.
We are part of District 2483
and Rotary International.


Day: Tuesday, 8 p.m
Hotel Constantine
the great

Four way test

Is it true?
Is it fair to everyone?
Will it build goodwill and better friendships?
Will it be useful for everyone?


Avenues of Service in Rotary

Promoting of peace

Peace in the world

Fighting against disease

Disease prevention

Providing of clean water

Clean water

Saving mothers and children

Medical protection

Supporting education

Education and literacy

Helping to local communities

Economic development



Rotary Theme for 2024-25: The Magic of Rotary 2024