Author: Igor Mijatovic


Club gathering – Zlatibor 2023

This September, our club organized a traditional club gathering. This time the destination was Zlatibor, and the accommodation was in...

Theme 2023/2024 - Create hope in the world

New Rotarian 2023/2024

Every year, July 1st marks the beginning of a new Rotary year. This year’s Rotary International President’s theme is Create...

Handover of governorship

Handover of governorship

On Sunday, June 18, we attended the handover of the governorship in our District 2483 at Beli Dvor, the royal...

Beograd, 3. maj 2023.

Belgrade, May 3, 2023.

We express our deepest condolences and sincere solidarity with all the families, children and parents, teachers and employees of the...

Charter celebration of the Club

Charter celebration of the Club

The Rotary Club Belgrade Terazije invites you to a festive celebration on the occasion of the club’s founding. The charter...