Humanitarian event for the reconstruction of the “Doctor’s Tower”

Humanitarian Events for Reconstructions "Doctor's Towers" - 2011

Humanitarian Events for Reconstructions “Doctor’s Towers” – 2011

Rotary Club Belgrade Dedinje organized a humanitarian event at the Madlenianum theater, which was intended for the reconstruction of the “Doctor’s Tower”. The “Doctor’s Tower” is an old building located within the Clinical Center of Serbia, and the developed project envisages the arrangement of this facility for the accommodation of children suffering from malignant diseases and their parents, who come for chemotherapy to the Clinical Center from all parts of Serbia. The project was realized in cooperation with the Republic Health Insurance Fund (RZZO), the PIO Fund and the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments of Belgrade.

The event was held on March 18, 2011. year, and the program includes Merima Njegomir, Suzana Šuvakovic – the prima donna of the Belgrade Opera, opera singer Oliver Njego, Duo Moderato, actress Vjera Mujović as the host of the program, KUD “Gradimir”, young folk music performers Aleksandra Lojanica, Tatjana Vasiljev and Vukašin Vujović, Milan Drobac – laureate of the “Davorin Jenko” international competition.

The total income from the tickets was paid into the fund for the reconstruction of the “Doctor’s Tower”.


Text compiled by: Igor Mijatović
Taken from the website of Rotaract Club Belgrade Dedinje
Club members who participated in the activity: Dragoslav Andrić