Igor Mijatovic, PHF

Charter member from October 12, 2022.

RC Beograd Dedinje: 2016-2022

RTC Beograd Dedinje: 2011-2016

Private and professional biography

Igor Mijatovic was born in Belgrade, on 9 August 1985. He finished IX Belgrade high school in 2004. After that, Igor enrolled Faculty of Computer Science (2004-2008) where he received his diploma in Computing science. Igor is a member of the Faculty Council and he works as a manager of the faculty. In addition, he is also an assistant on two subjects and regulate internet magazine where he published a number of articles. He participated in the organization of a large number of information events and seminars: Balkanijada 2009, RAF IT Days, RAF Challenge, and others. He is married to Tanja and has one child, Stefan.

Rotaract biography

Igor Mijatovic became a member of the Rotaract club on 20th January 2011 and shortly thereafter became a member of the Club board. In Rotarian 2013/2014 he served as President of the Rotaract Club. Nowadays, he is an honorary member of Rotaract Club and member of Rotary Club Beograd Dedinje.

Igor participated in all important matters relating to the Rotaract club since its establishment: web site making, branding the Club, registrations in the Business Registers Agency. Igor, also, organized a number of humanitarian activities, and he is most proud of the organization of assistance after the floods in 2014, when the Rotaract club hosted friends from the Netherlands and France, as well as the celebration of the fifth anniversary of the Club. He represented our Rotaract club at the REM (Rotaract European Meeting) in Belgrade (2011), Turin (2012), Istanbul (2015) and St. Petersburg (2016).

Rotary biography

He became a member of the Belgrade Dedinje Rotary Club in 2016 after transferring from the Rotaract club and will remain in the club until October 2022. As a member of RK Beograd Dedinja, he performed various functions in the Board of Directors in the Rotary 16/17, 18/19, 19/20, and in 17/18 he performed the function of Club President. As of the 2019/2020 Rotary year, he is the holder of the Rotary Paul Harris Fellow award. Together with six other members of Dedinje, in October 2022, he launched the initiative to establish the Rotary Club of Belgrade Terazije. He was elected as the first, or Charter, President of Terazije.

Rotary Club Beograd Terazije:

Charter President – 22/23
President – 23/24
Club board – 24/25

Rotary International:

PHF – 19/20
EREY – 19/20, 21/22,  23/24
TRF – 17/18, 18/19, 19/20, 21/22, 23/24

Rotary Club Beograd Dedinje:
Club Secretary – 16/17
President – 17/18
Vice president 18/19, 19/20, 20/21, 21/22
ADG (Assistant District Governor) – 20/21

Rotaract Club Beograd Dedinje:
Club board – 10/11, 11/12, 14/15
Vice President – 12/13
President – 13/14
ADRR (Assistant DRR for Belgrade) – 14/15