Inclusive studio for music and singing

Inclusive studio for music and singing - 2013

Inclusive studio for music and singing – 2013

On Tuesday (12.17.2013.) We held a joint meeting with our Rotaract Club Beograd Dedinje which was attended by the Governor of our District 2483 Borivoje Stefanovic. This meeting was used to present the project “Inclusive music program”, which is jointly conducted Rotary and Rotaract Club Beograd Dedinje as well as the Choral Society “Transfiguration”.

At the beginning of the meeting, the President of the Rotaract Club Igor Mijatovic briefed the participants on the activities of the Club, as well as the struggle that our club is running on demystifying Rotary and introducing the idea of serving to the wider community. President of Rotary Club, Milan Kostic presented the idea of the project and how our clubs will hel the Choral Society “transformation” in the establishment of vocal and artistic society of persons with disabilities.

The district governor used the occasion to present us the current activities of the district and the expanding of Rotary in our district, but also provided support for the project. Bratislav Prokić, founder and conductor of “Transformation” described in detail the project and introduced us to the goals, as well as the manner of its implementation.

After the meeting we had the opportunity to attend a mini-concert by “Transfiguration” that they had prepared for the occasion, and then we continued socializing during the cocktail party. It is our great pleasure to we had the chance to organize an event like this, which is aimed at establishing a musical and artistic society of persons with disabilities. We hope this is the beginning of our cooperation with the association “Transfiguration” and we will have more similar projects in the future.

Text compiled by: Igor Mijatović
Taken from the website of Rotary Club Belgrade Dedinje
Club members who participated in the activity: Igor Mijatovic, Dragoslav Andric