International action – Zvecanska


In the Rotary spirit of serving and helping institutions and people in need, the Rotary Club of Lausanne-Ouest, Switzerland and the Rotary Club of Belgrade Terazije, Serbia launched a joint action to support the Institution for the Protection of Infants, Children and Youth “Zvečanska” in Belgrade, Serbia.

The goal of the project is to donate a vehicle with a hydraulic ramp for the transportation of disabled children staying in the institution.

In addition to the humanitarian action, this project is part of the philosophy of Rotary’s founder, Mr. Paul Harris, who said:
“Rotary serves not only to create friendship, but also to create bridges between people and nations for peace in the world”.

On this occasion, we invite you to get involved in fundraising actions necessary for the realization of this action. If you want to donate money or get additional information about this project, contact us by email: or

Vozilo sa hidrauličnom rampom.

Vozilo sa hidrauličnom rampom.


Information about “Zvečanska”

The Center for the Protection of Infants, Children and Youth is a state social protection institution for the care and support of children and youth without adequate parental care and families in crisis, with a tradition of almost 150 years in child protection. The center takes care of 400 children of different ages with the most diverse needs in 6 facilities spread across Belgrade. The institution, through residential accommodation and non-institutional services, enables the individual development and socialization of children and young people while nurturing relationships with the biological family and the wider social network.

This relationship is based on cooperation with other actors, with the aim of preventing child separation, preserving and improving family functioning, quality of life, improving and preserving the health of the child and family. One of the residential accommodation facilities for children is Stacionar, located in ul. Zvečanska 7 in Belgrade, whose main task is to take care of children whose right to live in a family is threatened. The institution provides social and health care services for 200 children at the earliest age and children with multiple health and developmental difficulties from birth to the age of 26. The program of work with children is based on the Convention on the Rights of the Child with an emphasis on the inclusion of children in the social life of the community.

One of the main tasks is to provide children with emotional safety and stability in the conditions of growing up in a non-family environment, adequate immediate care, as well as to create stimulating conditions for their proper development, play and learning, while at the same time encouraging family members of children in placement to actively participate in their development , to the extent that it is in the best interest of the child and the family.

Considering all the peculiarities of our users, we continuously make efforts to improve the quality of care and care, in cooperation with all actors in the community. Currently, we are looking for the support we need in order to provide children with the best possible growth and development, as well as the best conditions for improving their quality of life.