New member of the Club – Gordan Stefanovic

On Tuesday, our Club held the last regular meeting of the Club in 2023. Three actions were agreed that we will implement in the coming weeks, we summarized the impressions of the work in the year that is about to end, in which our Club received its Charter. The meeting of the Club was preceded by a meeting of the Club Board, which outlined clear work goals for the second half of the Rotarian 2023/2024.

The meeting also had a festive character, as Gordan Stefanovic was accepted as a regular member by unanimous decision of Club members. We will use Gordan’s positive energy in order to work even better, more valuable and more effectively in the future. We are proud of the fact that people enter our Club full of energy and with the desire to help together with us where it is most needed. Our Club will continue to be guided by the idea of choosing future members, but we are also glad that future members choose our Club – our regular members as their friends. Rotary is one big family, and each Club is made up of the people who belong to it.