PETS/SETS seminar

Club members at the PETS/SETS seminar

Club members at the PETS/SETS seminar

During the weekend, 2-3 March, a PETS/SETS seminar was held for incoming presidents and secretaries of Rotary clubs in 2024/2025. In the warm atmosphere of the Sunce Hotel in Sokobanja, Nadica Mardjonovic, the incoming president, and Vladislav Todorovic, the incoming secretary, had the opportunity to attend two days of lectures on the topic of running the club, the work of the Foundation and the implementation of Global Grants. A working dinner was also held where the Rotarians of District 2483 socialized and exchanged experiences in a relaxed environment.

The event was attended by guests from Croatia and Turkey, as well as Rotary International officials. Rotary’s motto for 2024/2025. year is “The magic of Rotary”.